Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

Wishing you all a joyous, prosperous, love-filled New Year. May you try and fail at something new. May you get up, dust yourself off and try again - with success. May you love hugely. May you sing loudly and without stage fright. May you listen well and learn something new every day. May your dreams - big and small - come true.

The word to live by this year is DO.


Friday, December 28, 2012

These days, I suck at just about everything: a general whine.

I need to get better at this whole blogging thing. Really, I do. I keep telling myself I need to blog, but then I promptly forget about it because my memory is completely shot at the moment (plus, a lamentable lack of iPad made blogging more difficult) Pregnancy hormones are lovely.

Speaking of being pregnant, the Lima Bean is coming along nicely. So nicely, in fact, that I'm measuring a full ten weeks ahead of schedule (per the measuring tape). For those of you wondering - yes, I know when I got pregnant (she was planned). And no, as far as I am aware, I do not have gestational diabetes. What I have is the daughter of a 6'3" baby daddy crammed into the torso of a 5'2 1/2" baby momma. Did I mention that The Boyfriend™ weighed in, at birth, at a whopping 7 1/2 pounds. Normal, sure, but did I mention that he is a TWIN?! His mother is a goddamned hero in my book.

So, I still have about 12 weeks more to go before the Lima Bean makes her external debut, and I am most definitely third trimester miserable. I can't sleep. I have no appetite (which explains the weight loss). I have a constant restless leg. Whine, whine, whine.

All of this grousing is to explain why I suck at everything lately. Frankly, I don't have the energy to do much more than attempt to not fall asleep at my desk at work. As much elving as I wanted to accomplish this Christmas, I managed only to get things made for my grandmothers (including self-publishing my first book. Life list item - check!).  But the trolls, The Boyfriend™ and I were thoroughly spoiled this year and it was a good, family filled holiday. I'm still kinda blissed out on it all (and trying to justify leaving our tree up til some time this summer).

My little internal rapscallion will have to forgive an unusual high amount of caffeine intake for the next few weeks, as we slowly transform the studio into a studio/playroom and turn the playroom into her nursery. There's still so much to do and so little time to get it all done. Maybe I should just learn to make peace with being a slacker.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

On the Connecticut Shooting

Like most of us, I was horrified to learn of the events in Connecticut that transpired yesterday. I went from horrified to heartbroken pretty quickly  - I'm sure like most of us -- when I learned that most of those killed were so very, very young.

This event further underscores the need for gun control in this country; to address mental health issues in an open and candid manner; to minimize the amount of violence our children are exposed to through electronic media.

...But now is not the time for these discussions. Soon, but not now. Now, it's time to hug our children a bit tighter. to make sure that we say "I love you" an extra time. To be grateful for every single minute that we have with these precious beings who still have so much potential and life to live, when some of their peers no longer have that option and whose parents don't have the option of one more kiss or snuggle.

My heart breaks for those parents. I can't even begin to fathom the magnitude of their suffering. No parent should ever have to bury their child, but most especially not for this reason. No parent should ever have to wish they had one more minute to hug their little ones, or to say "I love you."

There is nothing I, a complete stranger, can say to bring an iota of comfort or solace now. I wish I could -- as I'm sure most of us do -- make yesterday un-done and have those little ones back in their parents' arms, safe and alive.